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Rating : Excellent 

I approached Emma for some advice about a recently prolapsed bladder which was starting to have a huge impact on my life and mental health.  I had been offered surgery which I really did want to avoid and was very upset and worried about the implications of this problem for the future.


She gave me some specific exercises combined with breathing techniques to do 3 times per day. I couldn’t believe the difference even only after a week I could feel sensation returning, everything becoming stronger and I was able to engage the correct muscles properly whereas before i couldn't even feel them. It was incredible and has really helped the prolapse!

Thank you so much Emma for your expert advice and instruction. My life is now back on track after my amazing recovery, thanks to you Emma..



One to One

Rating : Excellent 

"I have only been working with Emma for a short time (12 weeks) but she has completely changed my body! I have seen chiropractors, physios and osteopaths regularly for over 30 years with only temporary improvements in my hypermobility. Emma has given me strengthening exercises and shown me techniques to realign joint issues before they become problems. I wish I had met Emma 30 years ago!!"



One to One

Rating : Excellent 

"I have been training with Emma since January 2021  I cannot give her enough praise for her help with understanding my problems which I have been going to a Chiropractor for several years. I no longer go to the Chiropractor. At my first visit Emma fixed the problem, she has given me an ongoing exercise regime to correct the problem myself. She is so knowledgeable about musculoskeletal problems and how to manage and improve them. She is an excellent practitioner and I recommend her to everyone. I also attend her weekly Functional Yoga Classes and again she is an excellent tutor for someone who has never done Yoga in their long life (age 76). I have even learnt how to relax."



One to One

Rating : Excellent 

"I have suffered with very debilitating low back pain for a number of years with limited or no success at trying to get help. This has affected my ability to exercise as well as carry out daily tasks. Emma makes the service very personal to your needs and takes the time to get to the cause of the problem and works from there. Emma also has great knowledge and so not only has she helped my back but I have learnt a whole lot more about the body and breathing techniques which has also helped a lot too. I can now exercise and function well with what I have learnt and know how to help prevent the issue reoccurring."

Anything to add: "Excellent service from the beginning!"



One to One 

Rating : Excellent 

"I started Yoga Classes with Emma in 2018 and then one to one Alignfit corrective exercise sessions at the beginning of 2020. Although I very much enjoy Yoga Classes and still attend Emma's classes, I found specific one to one training helped me understand my issues and progress much more quickly. As an avid cyclist I had some physical issues in relation to bike positioning which Emma helped me to understand and then later be able to correct them myself. This advice, I was pleased to note, correlated with the information given during a professional bike fit I attended. Overall I was super  pleased with the advice and the training which gave me the tools for the future to continue to keep fit, healthy, mobile and pain free."



One to One 

Rating: Excellent
"I started training with Emma in August 2020. Prior to that I had enjoyed running to keep fit however I had experienced a major and very painful issue that meant I had to stop running completely. After a visit to the GP and an X-Ray over quite a long period of time I was given a diagnosis of Osteoarthritis. I then thought my running days were over and was really very concerned as to how I would manage to keep fit and mobile and what the future would hold in terms of my diagnosis.


On the first session Emma completely relieved the pain symptoms I was getting and then later showed me techniques in order to maintain this. I now run around 3 times per week and am pain free with no current problems. I train with Emma regularly, both outdoor running and strength and conditioning Personal Training sessions and have been pleased to gain many benefits such as increased strengthening and toning, core stability,  fitness and general wellbeing. Our sessions are always varied and interesting and I always come away feeling physically challenged and that I am progressing with my exercise."



Online Classes

I was not keen on trying yoga online, as I wasn't sure I would enjoy doing it on my own and I am not very savvy when it comes to technology.  But I missed the classes, so I thought I would give it a try.

Emma offers a set-up tutorial and was very patient and helpful in setting up my laptop and the area I was to use for the class.

I have really enjoyed the Yin classes on-line and it really works well for me. Emma's instructions and helpful tips when moving from pose to pose are very clear - you could easily do the whole class with your eyes shut!

Please don't stop doing these classes Emma, it is a life-line for us folks stuck 'home alone'..

Kathy Corby


Online Classes

I have been an attendee of Emma's online Zoom Monday evening Yin classes for the last 3 months. Emma always manages to choreograph a different combination of postures, with options to suit each participant and keeps the classes fresh and interesting. However, the one constant is that by the end of the session I am feeling at peace, restful and ready for bed. I look forward to Emma's classes and find they have helped me enormously during these unsettling times.

Denise Kendrick 


First Class Feedback

Dear Emma,

I just wanted to drop you a line to say how much I enjoyed the Yoga Class at London Beach yesterday. evening. It was well organised and felt comfortable for social distancing since you made a point at the start of asking us to keep our mats 2m apart. I'm more or less totally new to Yoga, having only been to a few classes at the Leisure Centre about 15 years ago., but you always gave a clear position instruction with options for easier/more advanced versions and some good individual cues for adjusting the positions too, and all without feeling bombarded with information, which is quite a skill.


I didn't realise quite how tense, tight my shoulders were until we lay down at the start of the class-something I will have to work on - but I did feel better aligned, gently stretched and beautifully relaxed by the end so just wanted to write and say thank you and that I thought it was great.

Kate Wilson


Rating : Excellent

'The style of Yoga suits me. I have never been interested in Yoga before but after attending just a few of Emma's classes I can see a lot of improvements and want to continue. As a beginner I like building on the Yoga moves each week as it increases my confidence and I can see how much progress I am making.'

Chris Archer - Yoga for Runners


Rating : Excellent

'I have been going to Osteopaths for over a decade to help with various sporting injuries including lower back issues and decided to give Emma's Yoga Classes a try. It has been fantastic in developing Core Strength and helping my back and past injuries and (touch wood) am now able to do my sports with no pain. I am really quite surprised how big a difference it has made. I wish I had started Emma's Yoga Classes decades ago and would recommend everyone to try them as it is fun and helps with your well being.'

Emma Merrifield


Rating : Excellent

'I feel energised, relaxed and in a good mood after the yoga classes. I also sleep really well afterwards. Very good classes which never get boring!'

Marina Bobeldijk


'Having had a localised hip issue for a period of time, I found after only five weekly sessions in the Beginner's Class, I was able to do up my shoes again without difficulty. Quality of life is much improved and now I realise there is much more to Yoga than meets the eye!'


'Enjoyable session again. Fitness already improving after a 10 month lay-off'


'My low blood pressure and anaemia are so much better when I attend regularly - and I'm so much more relaxed! Thanks for such inclusive and amazing classes - you've definitely saved my sanity after a tough week many a time!'


'Calming, makes me feel stronger both physically and mentally'


'I really enjoy all of your classes and it always make me feel better, more relaxed and I hate missing class'


'Regular attendance makes a big difference if you wish to improve. Helps reduce injuries when taking part in other sports'


'Definitely more flexible, always leave with a sense of wellbeing'


'My posture already feels better, even after one session'


'Unlike my fellow triathletes a winter/spring without injury and huge improvement with hip pain after hard, hilly runs which before beginning classes was an issue'



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